
Any ideas for mods go here!
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Postby Madden09User » Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:54 pm

This is probably a very basic concept for some of you, but I think it may be of interest to people in the community. I'm guessing that this would be quite easy on the PC version, but I'm looking for assistance on the PS2 version. If anyone has an idea of how to do this, I'm all ears! (I'm familiar with the Madden Xtreme DB Editor, haven't gotten very far with the DAT Editor)

I believe it should be possible to export player portraits from one version (ie Madden 07) and put them into another one (ie Madden 09). I would like to use some of the portraits for Historic Teams. For example, I'd like the portrait of Will Shields to appear for the 2003 Chiefs team I'll make.

I'm assuming this is an easy move because the portraits will already be formatted properly as they came out of the game already. This is easier than making new ones. Is it possible?

The goldmine would be to find a file on the disk with all the portraits as thumbnails, but in my experience, that's wishful thinking! haha :lol:

Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish in 2025!




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