Possible to swap team rosters using the DB Templates?

Modifying Madden 08.
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Possible to swap team rosters using the DB Templates?

Postby TheRareButter » Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:14 am

I'd like to swap specific team rosters with a custom roster for that team, without using a .ros file. This would be for NFL Head Coach and it's incompatible with MadWolf, NZA editor, etc because there's no ros, fra, or sup files.

Ideally, i'd like to keep the players of the team i replaced in game and as free agents, but if that not possible no biggie. The biggest thing is that I could load up a roster made in Madden 08's Create A Team into their slots on that team. (any way to give the cupcakes bigger contracts?)

I tried selecting the specific custom made players and exporting them from the DB templates, while deleting a teams roster in HC's DB templates and importing the custom team with the deleted teams ID but that didn't work.

Edit: Could it have been because I didn't fix the player ID's? In theory, I could give the new cupcake rosters the player IDs of all the players in the team I replace, and give the players that got replaced the IDs of some lower end free agents? What about the player contracts?

Possible to swap team rosters using the DB Templates?



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