NCAA to Madden Catching Attribute

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NCAA to Madden Catching Attribute

Postby Madden09User » Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:21 pm

I have an oddly specific question for the NCAA community, after some explanation: I'm working on building the '04 Buffalo Bills on Madden. I remember that Jason Peters was used as a super-sized tight end that year. He was not included as a tight end on any versions of the game I've seen, always an offensive tackle. He had good hands actually; his one touchdown catch is quite impressive.

My question is, does anyone know the correlation between the NCAA catching attribute and the rookie's rating in Madden? I'd like to see what he earned in NCAA 2004 as a tight end and scale that appropriately for my custom team. He would be the Razorbacks tight end there. ... I think madden slapped a generic rating on there for a tackle (18 catch) and called it a day.

Thank you in advance for any help! I appreciate the breakthroughs the NCAA crowd has come up with for our Madden community.

NCAA to Madden Catching Attribute



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