minotauri wrote:Nice work. I'll have to try out the new version. Just as an FYI, your old Alabama stadium file with shadow fix throws errors in the debugger console screen in the emulator. It didnt seem to actually cause the game to crash, but it was constantly throwing errors.
Thanks. Yeah I'm looking for a better solution for the Day version of Alabama overhang shadows, I did include the file before I did the shadow fix, so you can hex compare those two and see the area that I changed to make the shadows go away, but resulted in errors. There's a way to delete the overhang shadows once it's loaded in-game through memory without it causing any errors, but I wanted to get them to disappear through the stadium file itself, so anyone hex comparing the files can find the area that needs to be edited.
Unlike the Night version of Alabama's stadium, which has its own crowd shadow problems, which I was able to solve by swapping the "Minor" files for the Night version of the stadium, the day version's overhang shadow problems cannot be solved by swapping the "Minor" files. Those overhang shadows in the day version are in the "Major" file so that fix I provided would need to be cleaned up to eliminate the errors. I would encourage your hex editors to hex compare those two files and see if you can come up with your own solution, if you guys are so inclined. I'm posting these files so you guys can work on stadium hex editing with me, and perhaps this could become like a community project with updating each other's stadium file edits and posting them.
minotauri wrote:Anyway, nice job. You sure you don't wanna join our discord channel? We have a community file sharing section to show off mods and let people download it. We have a much larger community than the 4-5 people that visit this site for NCAA. Almost 5000 members now.
I'm thinking about it. If there's enough interest from the Discord team of editing stadium files, like improving the stadium crowds, then that's what I'll have to do. But I would like to keep this topic going for a while so anyone can find this information, even if they're not on the Discord.
For example, I'll be doing a tutorial on how to edit the crowd colors in the stadium file, so we'll have a record of that here. I think at some point I'll jump on board to the Discord, but I'm hoping that this topic can be like an ice breaker, so when I join I can hit the ground running, with you guys already familiar with my edits to the stadium files.
I think you'd agree that the more densely packed crowds from the NCAA 07-11 stadiums once converted to work in NCAA 06 look way better than the normal NCAA 06 crowds. This is just the beginning of my work with stadium files, but you have a template now for the changes needed to correct the crowd problems of NCAA 07-11 stadiums in NCAA 06. Hopefully we can figure out an error-free solution to the overhang shadow problems in the Day version of Bama's stadium, by cleaning up the area I hex edited to get them to disappear. But the Night version posted above shouldn't cause any errors so you have that for now.