NFL Playoffs Challenge 2015 Season

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Re: NFL Playoffs Challenge 2015 Season

Postby ultimatum77 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:12 am

Gridiron wrote:Here are a couple of hints.
I hope that they are wrong, but....

spooky :cry:

Anyhow back to the game, here are a couple of headlines to some entertaining articles.

Peyton Manning Can Eat *hit

Cam *ucking Blew It

Those articles were well worth the read...i totally agree with this guy... PM is a great football player don't get me wrong but he can be a total a-hole to teammates (blame O line in playoffs and Vanderjagt for missed fg when PM lost the damn games mostly himself in crunch time with epic chokes....)and he has a fake persona...As i saw on another football forum his "aw shucks" routine with the media is complete bs...before answering any question he always frowns and give such a fake/pathetic answer like he's golden boy...and then to end the superbowl by peddling damn beer! If another athlete said that they would say oh my gosh alcohol reference!!!!! and cry for a fine (but then again the NFL is sponsored by major beer so maybe not) Roger Goodell BANNED NFL players from endorsing alcoholic beverages (it is a rule!) He even prevented Charles Woodson from marketing his own wine in 2008....So Roger where the hell is the fine against Manning? ( who also did this bud light reference two years ago at a presser!) Hypocrisy at its finest....roger goodell...
Either way I'm glad this phony manning will be out of the league...he was a great player to watch don't get me wrong but I hate his personality.....I prefer Eli as at least he tries to keep it real and not bs you with a fake persona (i'm also a giants fan but nonetheless). He'll retire for sure to preserve his image (no hgh investigation if he retires, NFL sweeps it under the rug)

I disagree with the Cam article a little....sure maybe Cam could have toned it down before the superbowl so he wouldn't face this kind of media scrutiny. But if I were in Cam Newton's shoes I think he did the right thing by congratulating Manning and the broncos and walked off the field. I wouldn't want to answer inane questions such as (how do you feel after losing the superbowl? Do you take responsibility for losing the game?) These are idiot type questions the media will ask....yea sure I feel great after losing and no I blame the bench players for losing ....yea right.....stupid questions with obvious answers....the mistake Cam made was coming out in a hoodie and doing a presser at all....(i'm sure the league requires it) but coming out with a hoodie looks kind of childish/sulking. The coaches were trying to get him to put his hoodie off (i'm sure they knew the press would grind newton down and were trying to do damage control). But overall I don't blame Cam for not wanting to deal with the asinine media. Too bad Marshawn Lynch is retiring he knew how to handle them lol.
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Re: NFL Playoffs Challenge 2015 Season



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