How to convert 08 rosters to 06:

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How to convert 08 rosters to 06:

Postby TheRareButter » Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:27 pm

1. Open the 08 roster you want to convert into 06 in Madden Xtreme and export the PLAY and DCHT table.

2. Open the PLAY CSV into excel.

3. Insert these columns into a 08 roster: (idk if their location matters in the spreadsheet but I put it according to the 06 tables)


4. Set every value of those columns to 0.

5. Then delete these columns:

PRL2 (player role 2) PROL (player role) EGO

6. Set every value for the PCMT to 1023 (commentators voice line for specific players)

7. Save and import into the PLAY and DCHT table of a 06 .ros (or the PLAY table of db template #6 if you don't have another roster to use.)

8. Load the .ros in game (or swap the db template #6 into the DB template DAT of madden 06 and then load the default roster in game.)

For coaches it's the same basic idea, find which columns 06 needs that 08 doesn't have and delete columns 08 has that 06 doesn't. Set the value for inserted columns to 0 across the board.

For franchise purposes, just extract csv salary cap files from the 08 DB Templates into 06's.

How to convert 08 rosters to 06:



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