Field Goal holder is the punter.

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Field Goal holder is the punter.

Postby datmanmadden59x » Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:09 am

Hi guys,
Here are quotes from another of my post that I think you playbook makers would like to look at.

Eureka! I figured it out. After the edits, by changing the QB2 position to QB3 in the FG unit, I placed a punter at for QB3 on the depth chart and now we have punters as holders. Unfortunately when playing in game if QB1 gets hurt, then for the correct QB3 you would need to change the depth chart in game but only in that very game.

To do all this out:
Use a db editor like the Xtreme DB editor and select the custom playbook you want to use. Of course back up your original.
Going to the SETP table.
Find SETP 410. This is for fg and fg pass and run.
Find SETP 2643. This is for fake fg punt.
Change the dpos to 3 for the 3rd quarterback in the depth chart. Save.
Go to your depth chart in the in game roster editor. Change QB3 depth chart position as your punter.

Voila! Now you have a punter as your holder automatically on the FG unit. The other way to do this is to manually change your formation sub for the FG unit to the punter but this would not be automatic and would need to be done for each game.

Have fun everyone.

For all playbooks, you will need to make this change for QB3 to be the holder. If playing franchise then for the CPU the the QB3 will be QB or punter.
If you want to have QB2 back at holder when doing a fake fg just make a custom sub for the holder in the special teams formation. If the other team does not suspect it, then the QB holder can make a throw.

Field Goal holder is the punter.



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