Hi guys,
Here is my playbook that is originally the QB Contain playbook.
New special teams formation for better punt returns. Of the 4 jammers, 2 jammers are line up down field to block the gunners when they get past the 1st jammers. After the snap, most of the defensive line rushers sell out to get back towards the returner to help block for the punt return.
Formations 4-3, nickel, dime, quarters are called by the AI but no 3-4 plays called by the AI. This playbook is for a 4-3 base and not a 3-4 base. If you want a 3-4 base you will have to make your own AI tags in the playbook editor.
For 3rd and 4th receivers, in the default playbooks the AI commonly has a linebacker cover a 3rd or 4th receiver on 1st or 2nd downs with no help over the top i.e. a safety.
The AI will now call plays that the safety helps over the top if the linebacker is covering the 3rd and/or 4th one on one on 1st and 2nd downs.
The AI will only call for FG block instead of defaulting to FG safe.
You guys should find this defensive playbook to be more challenging than the default playbooks. The AI of the default playbooks does not call the right defense on 3rd and 4th receivers leaving them open in man coverage with no help over the top. This playbooks minimizes those plays.
I will likely put some plays in or change some DE rushes to contain the QB better in the future.
Try out the playbook in practice mode and you will see you will get better punt returns than before. After the punt it is good to control one of the jammers down field to help block for the punt returner.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Version 1.0.
QB Contain 4-3 Max Punt Return Playbook
- All-Pro
- Posts: 125
- Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:23 pm
QB Contain 4-3 Max Punt Return Playbook
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- QBcontain43MaxPuntReturn.rar
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