elguapo wrote:If all your teams are custom teams then all the stadium's SRES value should be 216.
I have 3 copies of the franchise. The original untouched after i processed with Madwolf. The second copy was created as a backup before I imported the fictional free agents pool into it. The 3rd copy is what I'm using that has fictional players as FA's, added the real NBA & G-League players and create the stadium tpf's and main logo's. The 3rd copy is what I was able to edit using Madden Amp 419 to correct the stadium models.
The first copy has the stadium's SRES as they were in order with the first team I created using SRES 144 up to the last team I created used SRES 182. I used that copy for reference only and never modify it in any way! I leave the second copy with the original Madden FA's just in case the 3rd copy had errors after the fictional import. The 3rd copy (the gem), the TTYP were all 5, and the SRES were all 216. However, the SGID's were all from the original roster and every time I started a game, it crashed to windows. So I followed another tip to modify the SGID's to match those of the real NFL teams (0-30). That change got me past the crashes, but a few of the stadiums models were still not showing up as the custom and the NFL stadium models appeared.
I used Amp 419 again to analyze other franchise files and decided to add the check box (This stadium has a model). Then the custom stadiums appeared in game finally. But they were not showing both North & South End Zones as open ended with Open ended Scoreboards! I opened the original roster that had the stadiums showing correctly and in the DB Editor and modified the SP01, SP02 & SP03 (South Endzone Decks 1-3) and SP05, SP06, SP07 (North Endzone Decks 1-3) in the franchise to match! They still won't show and crash to windows if I use the original SGID like 55 or 107, but do show properly when I use SGID's 0-30!
Madden Amp 441 won't open the .fra, so I use .419! The worst is over and I can move on to completing the team's roster players!
Also, using Madden Amp I can't modify the lights to 8 instead of 4 and modifying North Deck 3 continues to gives the error!
Thanks for your help!