For Madden NFL 13 PS Vita, File00090 is an .ast file, it contains .dds and a few .apt and .dat files. It is nested like this, qkl_misc.ast->File00458.ast->File00090.ast.
As I said before, the source of the issue is not editing. I got a corrupted file just saving the stock File00458.ast in the editor with another name, replacing none of its contents. As in the image from my previous post, all its contents are now .dat files. Moreover, its file size -it duplicates- and offsets of its contents -adding lots of zeroes at the beginning of the file- have changed just by saving it in the editor. That is the issue. The problem seems to only appear when working through the editor with .ast files "nested in middle" as File00458.ast, in this case.
StingRay68 wrote:You need to provide a lot more info when you're asking about a specific problem.
What other information do you want to know?