Madden AMP(continued)

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby StingRay68 » Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:38 pm

mrjordan wrote:does anyone know why the Madden AMP is not changing the team cap room when I change a players salary? team cap room remains the same no matter what I do to the player contracts. Why is this happening? And what will happen once I get into the game? thanks

Salary cap only exists in 04-08 franchise file. So if that is not the file/version you are editing, nothing is happening.

Re: Madden AMP(continued)



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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby mrjordan » Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:09 am

wow thanks Stingray, I appreciate the response.

so are you saying that there is no way to alter salaries in AMP and have them appear in game?

I have so many players in this roster I'm using that have zero salaries that I need to create salaries for, and other players that are are way overpaid, and was hoping to fix them in AMP, but I'm concerned that it will cause glitches in the actual game.

also I'm wondering if I should use the checkbox "Calculated team salary" or not. I can't find any tutorial on the subject anywhere
would appreciate any advice here.
Thank you

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby StingRay68 » Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:39 am

mrjordan wrote:so are you saying that there is no way to alter salaries in AMP and have them appear in game?

I have so many players in this roster I'm using that have zero salaries that I need to create salaries for, and other players that are are way overpaid, and was hoping to fix them in AMP, but I'm concerned that it will cause glitches in the actual game.

also I'm wondering if I should use the checkbox "Calculated team salary" or not. I can't find any tutorial on the subject anywhere
would appreciate any advice here.
Thank you

There are no tutorials.
You can edit a contract, as far as I am aware they will work fine in game.
Trying to edit a specific year in player salary will have display glitches that I never got around to fixing. Anything related to team/salary cap was meant for 04-08 franchise. So any functions likely will not work for your purposes and are what they are at this point. I am no longer working on amp.
You can always try the various db editors released in the community over the years to edit things you want as well.

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby mrjordan » Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:37 pm

understood, thank you.
I was just worried that the contracts section was bugged and would create problems in franchise, but if you say they should be fine, then I will proceed.
Much appreciated!

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby mrjordan » Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:43 pm

you wrote...
Do not edit files while the game is running.
Making edits in game requires reloading the roster file when finished editing in game in order to view those changes.

After editing my roster I suddenly realized that the game was open on the play now screen.
Would that affect the roster I was editing in AMP? If so what problem might occur?
Seems like all changes saved correctly but I want to make sure no glitches will occur...

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby pasternyk » Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:48 pm

hi guys trying to edit with madden amp, but my rosters are not valid. They don't content the .ros file extension. What to do?

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Re: Madden AMP(continued)

Postby pasternyk » Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:31 am

i have this message of error when loading rosters into madden amp. any ideas guys would be appreciated?
image_2023-04-23_173036831.png (24.28 KiB) Viewed 9281 times

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