CPU unstoppable on 3rd down!

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CPU unstoppable on 3rd down!

Postby JPMoneyman » Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:54 am

Trying to play Madden 20 after my Madden 08 Disc got lost and boy am I struggling on defense! Particularly 3rd down!

I work hard to force 3rd down and then just nothing can stop the CPU offense I'm playing Franchise). I have even gotten them into 3rd and long (15+) and regardless of what play I call or where I user (and I have messed up a couple of times there as I'm still getting used to user controlling in Madden 20) I just can't cover any receiver or should I say my defensive AI players can't! And it always gets thrown away from my user player except if the QB scrambles or the TE catches and busts 3 tackles on the way to a 1st down!

I know I probably need to use the pre-play adjustments (I'm still learning those) but getting ripped up by a 4th tier QB is just no fun every single game! Especially if I have at least worked hard to get a lead in the game.

Aside from me quitting or just get better what kind of advice has anyone got that can help? Things like what play adjustments can help etc? I heard using the protect sticks can work but I always forget the right sequence with the controls. What other defensive adjustment might help me to get some help from my own AI players? What has worked for others?
Mostly I know it's just practice but if anyone has some useful tips that would be great.

Thanks in advance

CPU unstoppable on 3rd down!



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