Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

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Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby bzzlghtyr » Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:26 am

Backstory: I have a Franchise file from Xbox era that I used to play with my siblings. We have since grown up and moved apart, but I wish to continue either on PS2 or PC because Xbox emulation hasn't progressed far enough for us to play local-online multiplayer, but I do have plausible ways to do this with PS2 Or PC.

I have the franchise file off my Xbox and I am able to see all my Xbox Franchise tables, extract them, etc. I don't know which of the 100+ tables are necessary to build into another save file or what the best steps would be.

My current thoughts are:

1. Make a basic PS2 or PC franchise save file inside the game (for editing)
2. Export all csv files from the Xbox Franchise file's database
3. Import all the necessary tables (whichever they are) into the basic PS2 or PC franchise save
4. Load that save file on the appropriate system and play.

While this isn't necessarily modding, it's something that wouldn't even be plausible without the tools provided by this community. I'm relying on the members here to help point me in the right direction, fill in some of my gaps in understanding, or give suggestions on alternative routes.

Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC



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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby ThePurplePeopleEater » Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:24 pm

bzzlghtyr wrote:Backstory: I have a Franchise file from Xbox era that I used to play with my siblings. We have since grown up and moved apart, but I wish to continue either on PS2 or PC because Xbox emulation hasn't progressed far enough for us to play local-online multiplayer, but I do have plausible ways to do this with PS2 Or PC.

I have the franchise file off my Xbox and I am able to see all my Xbox Franchise tables, extract them, etc. I don't know which of the 100+ tables are necessary to build into another save file or what the best steps would be.

My current thoughts are:

1. Make a basic PS2 or PC franchise save file inside the game (for editing)
2. Export all csv files from the Xbox Franchise file's database
3. Import all the necessary tables (whichever they are) into the basic PS2 or PC franchise save
4. Load that save file on the appropriate system and play.

While this isn't necessarily modding, it's something that wouldn't even be plausible without the tools provided by this community. I'm relying on the members here to help point me in the right direction, fill in some of my gaps in understanding, or give suggestions on alternative routes.

Going off of prior knowledge regarding PS2 conversions, I believe anything that has to do with PS2 files is hard to work with. With Xbox you may be able to convert those files to PC, although I wouldn't know the first thing about that process. So I'd say go with what you have already and then see what happens.

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby Rixster67r » Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:45 pm

I cant speak for ps2 but I would be willing to help you create a new franchise for pc using the save file providing I/you can open the save file with a db editor......

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby bzzlghtyr » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:58 am

Rixster67r wrote:I cant speak for ps2 but I would be willing to help you create a new franchise for pc using the save file providing I/you can open the save file with a db editor......

Here‘s a direct link to the franchise file.

I was able to open it in the db editor and see the tables so you should be able to as well. I began work originally on exporting tables then loading them all back in one by one but I was not sure if I was doing it efficiently and, more importantly, if I was going to be able to load the franchise and resume it after all the blind effort. Also I feel like some tables didn’t match but maybe I was just confused.

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby Rixster67r » Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:39 am

Ok I will look into this... will post if I am having any issues

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby bzzlghtyr » Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:32 pm

I just tried this out and was able to load the players in it seems, but the teams table differ, along with a handful of others. I'm not sure if I need to progress the franchise a bit to make the franchise file create some of the table I'm missing or if it's just not going to be possible making a mostly 1 to 1 swap.

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby Rixster67r » Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:43 pm

You can find some good info here.....viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8541

The TGID is slightly different in a franchise..... They are -1 from a roster

EXample Bears TGID is 1 in a roster but 0 in a franchise.....

The Team csv from a roster will have both TGID and FRID..... the Franchise will only have TGID If I remember right but will be different from a roster you will have to go through and change the ID's

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby bzzlghtyr » Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:49 pm

It's been about two years now and I'm ready to try and hyperfixate on this again.

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Re: Converting an Xbox Franchise to PS2 or PC

Postby bzzlghtyr » Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:32 pm

Bumping this one last time in desperation.

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